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Fundraising events: focus on ticketing

It’s the start of a new year and you’ll no doubt be looking at your fundraising plans for the coming year.

We know that for many of you, events are an important part of your fundraising. A ticketed event can produce its own challenges. Here are some areas you might want to consider:

  • Finding the right online platform: There are many different options for charities, depending on the type of events you want to run, how often you’ll be running them and what you have in the way of resources – both staff and volunteer time, and budget. This article from Charity Digital looks at the most cost-effective online event platforms for charities.
  • The price is right: Think through your ticket pricing. Ideally, the ticket price should cover all your costs – venue, refreshments, marketing, entertainment – plus a little on top. You’ll need to weigh this cost against how much tickets for similar events usually cost and how much you think people will be willing to pay. Think about strategies for increasing sales and/or donations, such as early-bird discounts, 3-for-2 offers, ticket giveaways in exchange for publicity, eg with a local radio station, or the option to make an additional donation at the time of purchase.
  • Lotteries and raffles: You can boost funds raised at some events by selling additional lottery or raffle tickets. These activities are regulated – read the Fundraising Regulator’s guidance first.
  • Plan ahead to build support: Look at ways to make the most of your ticket sales by converting your attendees into your charity’s supporters. Encourage people to sign up for newsletters or to donate either at the point of purchase or as part of your follow-up after the event. And signpost attendees to your social media channels.

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