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Getting the most out of Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday – which this year will take place on Tuesday 29th November – is a global movement encouraging people to do good. There are so many ways people can give, from giving time by volunteering, donating money or goods, campaigning for a good cause or even just buying something from a charity shop.

It may be just one day, but this is a great opportunity for charities and community groups to involve people in the work you do. Here are some ideas for ways you can make the most of the day:

  1. Say thank you

Set aside some time to be active online during the day. Starting with your organisation, you can say thank you for the support people give you: “For #GivingTuesday we want to say thank you and how proud we are of our supporters who help us (INSERT YOUR CHARITY’S MISSION).”

If you have businesses or individual supporters, you could ask them in advance to the same:

  • Businesses: “We are so proud of our employees who give over £X a year in payroll giving. So this #GivingTuesday we will show we are #ProudToGive by (INSERT INTENDED ACTION).”
  • Donors/Volunteers: “I feel privileged to be able to give my time to the charity that (INSERT REASON TO BE PROUD). Please give what you can this #GivingTuesday #ProudToGive

Encourage your trustees to do the same.

  1. What do you need?

What do you need? Whether it’s funding for a project or piece of equipment, or regular donors or volunteers, think about how people could help your organisation – and then ask for their help on the day. Could you create a crowdfunder which you launch on the day? Or hold an event where people can help sort through donations for a half hour? Whatever you need, see how you can make it fit as a micro-giving or micro-volunteering opportunity.

  1. One message for people to share

If there was one message you would like people to take away– about how your organisation helps or how it raises awareness of a particular issue – what would it be? Turn that message into a social media post and encourage people to share it on the day.

For more ideas and support, use Giving Tuesday’s partner toolkit for ideas.

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